
Cadbury has been looking to get to high places recently, and Meimei is known for climbing…. so I pulled the ladder in from the garage. Cadbury was first up it, halfway up before I could even grab the camera. Meimei was too interested in sniffing the feet of this Strange New Thing. Eventually (as in, …


It’s the kittens’ half-birthday – six months old today! They got new toy mice, a nice new cardboard box to play in, and cake! Well, okay, not cake, they got yogurt instead. (There’s this brand of yogurt from Colorado that they *adore*, to the point where if you want one yourself you need to lock …


They’re starting to build in the lot across the street, so we’ll have new neighbours in the spring. That lot was one we’d considered ourselves; not as nice of a view, but huge mature shade trees in the back. Or at least there used to be; they took down several of them this week: That …


We named our not-so-little boy Cadbury – since he’s a chocolate coloured cat. He’s going to grow up to be a big cat, and has a personality quite a bit like Frisky. After we’d named him, I discovered a few things – for instance, John Cadbury (1802 – 1889) was from Birmingham; and that he …