High Places

Both our cats seem to like high places. The fireplace mantle is good; and Mei constantly eyes the top of the kitchen cabinets. But, Cadbury is even more interested, and can jump pretty well; and so we end up with this:


Yes, that’s the top of the shower. Over six foot up, and glass – so hard to judge your jump. Yes, he got up there completely unaided and uncoached; and oh by the way this was at 1 AM.


Unlike those typical cats up in trees, he also got down completely unaided.

Scratching Post

Using a scratching post from the floor is so out of date. Here’s the lastest craze: First, climb to the top of the post:


Next, sit at the top and look cute for a while:


Now: turn around, and scratch the post while standing at the top:


That trick was completely uncoached; I just saw her doing it one day. Cadbury is not at all sure what the fuss is about.



I came home from a meeting today, and the cats weren’t at the door waiting; odd. Mei ran out, said hi, then ran to the back door…. and this guy was hiding out in the corner of the patio. Not sure what he is…. but he definately has pigeon toes.


So the cats were *also* interested in this much larger bird, sitting on the back fence…. waiting. I think the two birds were in the middle of a staring match; the hawk didn’t want to get closer to the house, and the other bird didn’t want to be eaten.


When I went out back to check things out, bird A took off, very closely pursued by bird B at high speed. From what I could see, they set up their staring match again, a few doors down the street.

Elsewhere: I went out and bought a cheap snow shovel about ten days ago. It hasn’t snowed since then. So for $10 I bought good weather for a while – nice.  No snow left in town, but there’s plenty out on the trails; there are still tourists around, just fewer of them. This is up in Arches National Park:


Christmas Snow

Since you poor deprived people in the rest of the world have to struggle through the winter without snow, here are some pictures to keep you going.

The cats are interested in these things falling from the sky, and how things look different; we haven’t subjected them to walking outside in it.


Not quite enough to worry about shoveling; but there was a fair bit, maybe four inches – in the desert.


After the excitement, though, it’s nice to sit by a warm fireplace.


Meimei climbing

Meimei climbing a dresser: she learned this trick at a very early age – when she was far too young to jump that tall – but she continues to do it. Her big brother has always been able to jump, and doesn’t understand this climbing thing at all. (These are videos, click to play).

If there’s something blocking the top, Meimei gets creative; she opens the top drawer to get a better foothold.