Car Update

So the inspector came and checked out the car; it’s almost certainly a writeoff. The frame is bent, right where the rear wheels are; it’s designed to, so that it absorbs the impact and protects the occupants. But, that makes it pretty impractical to repair.


It’s pretty amazing that all the glass was undamaged. Believe it or not, even the roof is bent.


The crease is hard to see, but that weather stripping (top of right rear door) used to seal against the body.

So – taking suggestions for a replacement.


Grrr….. tourists.


I’m fine, just a little sore. The other car is pretty much a writeoff; clouds of smoke and a large puddle on the pavement are not good signs. Not sure what they’ll do about this one yet. I *almost* loaded my bike in the back just beforehand; happy now that I didn’t. Procrastination sometimes pays dividends.

On the good news front, though: police response here is simply amazing. I had literally just rolled to a stop and started to dial 911, and there was already one car on scene; ended up with probably 4 or 5 city police cars, a state police car (it was on Main Street, which is a state highway, so dual jurisdiction), and an EMT/Ambulance truck. Ended up talking about mountain bikes with the police sergeant, who I kind of knew but had never met….. small town.

Baby cows

I guess it’s baby-cow season already. Cute little guys, about the size of a large dog. Not scared of cars at all; I didn’t get out and walk over, though, because they probably already weigh more than I do.



We have these three small windows, high up on the wall above our bed. It’s a nice feature; it lets in light, but no need for blinds or anything, since nobody can see in. However, I hadn’t predicted their fascination as a cat toy.


You can survey the room from above, and taunt your little sister; and you can see over into the neighbour’s yard and check out what their cats are doing. Perfect.


Cadbury can now jump up on his own, but Meimei hasn’t quite managed to leap up there yet; mainly because beds and pillows are too soft to jump from. That doesn’t stop repeated attempts, though.


Wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. I’m innocent.


You know how little kids (and cats) are known for walking across fresh concrete, leaving footprints for all eternity?


Turns out dinosaurs did it too. Although, to be fair, it was just wet sand at that point; it took several million years for it to harden into stone. (Plus, the dad dinosaur probably didn’t just smooth the sand out for a patio).

And just because it’s that time of year: here’s the classic Moab shot; you’ll see this a thousand times in calendars and on postcards. Colorado river, Fisher towers, snow-capped La Sal mountains. We popped into Grand Junction for a day this week; this was the view on the way back, about 20 miles from home.
