High Places

Both our cats seem to like high places. The fireplace mantle is good; and Mei constantly eyes the top of the kitchen cabinets. But, Cadbury is even more interested, and can jump pretty well; and so we end up with this: Yes, that’s the top of the shower. Over six foot up, and glass – …

Scratching Post

Using a scratching post from the floor is so out of date. Here’s the lastest craze: First, climb to the top of the post: Next, sit at the top and look cute for a while: Now: turn around, and scratch the post while standing at the top: That trick was completely uncoached; I just saw …


I came home from a meeting today, and the cats weren’t at the door waiting; odd. Mei ran out, said hi, then ran to the back door…. and this guy was hiding out in the corner of the patio. Not sure what he is…. but he definately has pigeon toes. So the cats were *also* …

Christmas Snow

Since you poor deprived people in the rest of the world have to struggle through the winter without snow, here are some pictures to keep you going. The cats are interested in these things falling from the sky, and how things look different; we haven’t subjected them to walking outside in it. Not quite enough …